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Richard J. Povinelli
KID Lab Members

Colin Quinn
Taiwo Fasae
Zach Nordgren
Sida Zhang

Members List

Colin Quinn
Ph.D. Candidate
Colin Quinn was born in Dousman, Wisconsin where he was raised on an all-dairy diet until his departure from his hometown in 2014 to study at Marquette University, Milwaukee WI. Transitioning from a life of pursuing fine chesses at his local grocery store, Colin took up coding when he was exposed to the GasDay Laboratory his freshman year. It was there he learned the basics of software development and natural gas load forecasting. Throughout his undergraduate career, Colin became interested in the research side of development process. After a brief hiatus to Tanzania his junior year to study the connection between smelly socks and malaria transmission, Colin committed to Marquette’s graduate school in 2018 with research interests in predictive analytics. He has now completed his master’s in applied statistics and is currently working on his doctoral degree in computer science. Learn more about Colin here…

Zach Nordgren
M.S. Student
Zach was born is Fairbanks Alaska and moved often growing up, living in Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Spain for much of his growing up years. He came to Marquette University as a freshman studying Computer Engineering and found a home at the GasDay lab for all four years of undergrad. At GasDay, now Marquette Energy Analytics, Zach worked as a data analyst and MATLAB developer working on many weather-related projects that helped improve the accessibility and quality of the weather data used for training models. Upon graduation from Marquette, he chose to stay on with MEA and the KID lab as a masters student working on patching historical weather data from NOAA. In his free time, he enjoys riding bicycles, sailing on Lake Michigan, and cross-country skiing.

Taiwo Fasae
Ph.D. Student
Taiwo was born and raised in Nigeria and earned a BSc in electrical engineering at the University of Ibadan. He worked on ultrasonic localization for wireless sensor networks under the supervision of Dr. Ismail Kamil. Before starting out at Marquette, he spent two years working as a software engineer at Venture Garden Group, a technology company in Lagos, Nigeria. Taiwo continues to work on big data, machine learning, and signal processing. In his free time, he enjoys playing soccer and catching up with friends.
Heidi Richburg

Heidi Richburg
Ph.D. Candidate
Heidi was born in St. Louis, Missouri, and moved seven times before settling in Delafield, Wisconsin in 4th grade. Nomadic tendencies continued well after her graduation from University of Southern California with BS in Computer Engineering & Computer Science, then MS in Electrical Engineering. Heidi has worked at companies ranging in size from 2-70,000+, leading the way on first-of-a-kind projects for over 15 years. After getting two rounds of BPPV patient facing surveys deployed and a paper published, Heidi took a leave of absence to tend her two daughters, now three and four years old. In her free time she learns new programming languages and tricks, writes fiction, exercises, knits, and cooks, or at least thinks of these things... She is excited to resume her research and contribute to those grappling with BPPV.

Sida Zhang
M.S. Student
Sida was born and grew up in China. He studied for a Bachelor of Engineering degree at Jimei University in Xiamen, China and graduated in July 2018. He is now continuing his master's degree at Marquette University in Wisconsin. He is very happy to communicate with people and likes to make friend with anyone. He enjoys working on his graduation project with Dr. Povinelli in GasDay/KID lab. His current main task is to improve the accuracy of BPPV Facing survey. In addition, he also learned a lot in the Edge Intelligence in Nonstationary Time-varying Environments project working with Dr. Gao and Dr. Povinelli. In his free time, his favorite computer games are Minecraft and League of Legends. He enjoys playing basketball in the hot summer until sunset and walking home in the evening breeze.
Kaylee Bozarth
NSF REU Student
Kaylee was born and raised in Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin. She is pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering at Taylor University. There she has worked on projects relating to robotic virtual reality immersion. After clicking through countless NSF REUs, she happened upon Marquette, where the environmental focus of the research enticed her to apply. Through her time at Marquette, she hopes to gain experience in research and learn about energy forecasting. While she has yet to know what she is interested in studying in the future, she plans to someday teach engineering students and be a professor. Kaylee also enjoys hiking and just being outside.
Kaylee Bozarth

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