Richard J. Povinelli
Publications - Abstracts (Refereed)
Abstracts (Refereed)
*Students' names are italicized.
Masabho P. Milali, Benjamin Durette, Greg Merkel, Maggy Sikulu-Lord, Samson S. Kiware, Floyd Dowell, George F. Corliss, and Richard J. Povinelli. (2019) "Autoencoder and Artificial Neural Networks Applied to Near-infrared Spectra to Estimate Parity Status of Wild An. gambiae s.s and An. arabiensis". American Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene Annual Meeting, National Harbor, Maryland. (abstract, poster)
Colin O. Quinn, Richard J. Povinelli, Jaired R. Collins, and Jake Norment. (2019) "Predicting Natural Gas Pipeline Alarms," International Symposium on Forecasting, Thessaloniki, Greece. (pdf)
Masabho P. Milali, Benjamin Durette, Greg Merkel, Maggy Sikulu-Lord, Samson S. Kiware, Floyd Dowell, George F. Corliss, Richard J. Povinelli. (2018) "Age Grading Malaria Transmitting Mosquitoes Using Feed Forward Artificial Neural Networks," American Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana. (abstract, poster)
Gregory Merkel, Richard J. Povinelli. (2018) "To retrain or not to retrain – data cleaning vs. online learning in energy forecasting," International Symposium on Forecasting, Denver, Colorado. (pdf)
Jarrett Smalley, David Kaftan, Ronald H. Brown, George F. Corliss, Richard J. Povinelli. (2018) "Forecasting Design Day Demand Using Extremal Quantile Regression," International Symposium on Forecasting, Denver, Colorado. (pdf)
Richard J.Povinelli, Gregory Merkel, Ronald H. Brown. (2017) "Deep Neural Network Regression as a Component of a Forecast Ensemble," International Symposium on Forecasting, Cairns, Australia. (pdf)
Gregory Merkel, Richard J. Povinelli, Ronald H. Brown. (2017) "Deep Neural Network Regression for Short-Term Load Forecasting of Natural Gas," International Symposium on Forecasting, Cairns, Australia. (pdf)
David Kaftan, Sarah Graupman, Maral Fakoor, Jarrett Smalley, Ronald H. Brown, George F. Corliss, Richard J. Povinelli. (2017) "Dynamically Ensembling Forecasting Models," International Symposium on Forecasting, Cairns, Australia. (pdf)
Masabho P. Milali, Samson S. Kiware, Richard J. Povinelli, George F. Corliss, Maggie Sikulu-Lord. (2017) "Comparison Between Age Estimates of Wild Anopheles Arabiensis using NIRS Classification Model and Ovary Dissection (Detinova's Method)," American Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts. (abstract, poster)
Md O. Gani, Taskina Fayezeen, Sheikh I. Ahamed, Richard J. Povinelli. (2016) "Computationally Efficient Human Activity Modeling and Its Application as a Service in Android Application Framework". ACM International Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications (HotMobile), St. Augustine, Florida. (abstract, poster)
Masabho P. Milali, Maggy Sikulu-Lord, Samson S. Kiware, Richard J. Povinelli, George F. Corliss. (2016) "Do NIR Spectra Collected from Lab-reared Mosquitoes Differ from those Collected from Wild Mosquitoes?" American Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia. (pdf)
Prachi Pradeep, Richard J. Povinelli, Stephen J Merrill, Serdar Bozdag, Daniel S Sem. (2014) "Novel Metabolic Descriptor Based on Xenobiotic Induced Cytochrome P450 Transcription for Carcinogenicity Prediction," FutureTox II: In Vitro Data and In Silico Models for Predictive Toxicology, Winner of FutureTox II CCT Student/Postdoctoral Recognition, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. (abstract, poster)
Richard J. Povinelli, Ph.D., P.E.
Office: EN 221 (Haggerty Hall)
Online: Teams
Phone: (414) 288-7088
Hours of Availablilty:
Tuesdays — 2:00 - 3:45 pm
Thursdays — 3:00 - 3:45 pm
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